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Cleaning method of swimming pool

Cleaning method of swimming pool

Generally, the remaining outdoor pool with normal water quality should be maintained at 0.3-0.5 mg/L, and the pH value is maintained at 7.4-7.6. In this environment, bacteria and algae are not easy to grow and reproduce. After continuous rain and snow, the remaining chlorine in the water will generally not reach the standard, and the pH of the water will have room for bacteria and algae. Moreover, the spores, lawn and soil when it rains will bring algae into the water body when entering the water body. Then, when the water temperature of the summer swimming pool is high (usually 28-30 degrees), the bacteria and algae will quickly reproduce, so The water in the swimming pool turns green in a short period of time.

So how do you solve this problem? Specifically divided into the following steps for operation:

1. First of all, you must add copper sulfate. The general amount of addition is 1-2 times that of usual. This is because there are very few algae in the water, and a large amount of algae exists after the water is green. Copper) can fully kill algae. After adding algae kill agents (copper sulfate), the swimming pool water circulation system should be opened to allow the pharmaceutical agent to be as uniform as possible in the water, so as to achieve the best effect;

2. After about 2 hours, add trichlorolyloropatoly uric acid disinfection agent. Treatment or ultra chlorine treatment to make the water of the swimming pool sufficient sterilization and disinfection;

3. After about 2 hours, the pH value of the water detection is usually rained and the use of trichlorolyllorolyuronic acid disinfection agents. The pH value of the water will definitely be low. Therefore ) It can increase the pH value of the water. The amount of holiday is to increase the amount of addition by 1 degree per 1,000 cubic meters of water. It is best to adjust the pH value to 7.5;

4. In the evening holiday precipitant, the amount of addition is based on 5-8kg of 5-8kg per 1,000 cubic meters, so that the small algae and other suspended substances that have been killed in the water can be precipitated to the bottom of the pool; the analysis comes from Shangshui Environmental Technology.

5. The sediment at the bottom of the pool was used to take away the sediment at the bottom of the pool the next day.